Directorate of Urban Administration & Development, MP, Bhopal has allotted the land for DHP in premises of NIGUM campus at Bhouri, Distt. Bhopal to be used as Sports Hostel. Based on the discussion with Directorate of Urban Administration & Development, MP, Bhopal plan of Sports Hostel consisting of 40 one bed room units with attached toilet and balcony along with other facilities such as a office, a common dining hall with kitchen & store, a common room with toilet, a medical room with toilet, two activity rooms, a care taker room and a laundry etc. was finalized. The proposed DHP is in G+3 configurations and shall have total built up area of 2180 Sq.mts. and will be constructed using
one of the technology out of the 36 technologies Certified by BMTPC under PACS and 54 technologies recommended by Ministry of HUA under GHTC-India. The tender is being floated. The DHP is undertaken as part of PMAY (U).
The onsite infrastructure development works include Roads & pavements, Boundary Wall with gate, External water supply, Sewerage, Drainage, Septic Tank, Underground water tank, Rain water Harvesting Tank, External Electrification, Solar street lights, Transformer, External Service Connection, Borewell, Fire-fighting provisions, Landscaping and Open Play / Exercise Area.
The details of the project are as follows:
Salient Features of the Project:
- Plot Area for DHP : 2709 Sq.mts.
- Total Covered Area : 2180 Sq.mts.
- No. of Units/Rooms : 40 (G+3)
- Carpet Area of a unit : 29.05 Sq.mts.
- Other Provisions include Office with Toilet (1 No.), Dining Hall with Kitchen and store (1 No.), Common Room with toilet (1 No.), Medical Room with toilet (1 No.), Care Taker Room (1 No.), Activity Rooms (2 Nos.) & Laundry (1 No.)